Raw honey has many different definitions and levels. Raw honey can range from comb honey which is completely unprocessed to honey extracted, but not cleaned to packaged honey that has not been adulterated or changed, but had all the wax and foreign materials removed. All offer their pros and cons. It is mostly determined by how the consumer feels about it.
Raw honey contains many wonderful characteristics that make it so healthy and the perfect sweetener. It is ‘A good for you food’ due to all the vitamins, minerals, enzymes, and pollens present in its raw state. It has many purposes. Besides a healthy sweetener, raw honey has so much more to offer. It has many medicinal properties and rewards. It is naturally anti-bacterial and can help heal wounds faster. Raw honey can help stabilize many body functions and can even help you lose weight. It is quick energy instantly. There are so many great characteristics.
Let’s briefly run through the processing of honey. A frame of honey is taken from the beehive. At this point, it can be cut up into squares for comb honey consumption. This is a great way to ingest all the local pollens to combat allergies. You also get honey in its purest state. If it is not used for comb honey, it is taken into an extract plant. The frame is placed in an un-capper to ‘cut-off’ the wax cappings. It is then loaded into an extraction unit and spun to remove the honey from each individual cell. It leaves the extraction unit and travels down a trough to a settling tank. At this point, still in its raw state, it is usually barreled for wholesale or readied for packaging if it is done in house.
Next is the packaging process. This is the stage in which most honey is changed and is no longer raw. The handling of the honey is very important. Many companies pasteurize their honey to reduce the risk of selling honey with potentially harmful bacteria. If the honey is pasteurized, the delicate flavor may be cooked out as well as all the important nutrients such as vitamins and minerals. Overheating the product also comes into play as a certain temperature is needed to maintain to pasteurize. Filtering of honey is also tampering with the ‘pureness’ of the honey. During the filtering process, most of the minerals and vitamins, as well as healthy pollens are removed. Removal of these healthy items leaves the honey with very little to offer. Raw honey is naturally ‘cloudy’ due to all those healthy characteristics. Next time you are in a store to purchase honey, look to see if it is completely clear or slightly cloudy.
Our honey is produced and gathered among high mountain clover fields. It is water white in color, mild tasting, and has all the consistency of pure clover honey. Once gathered, our delicate process of extraction and packaging assures that you, our customer, purchases the best product on the market. During the packaging process, we neither over heat, pasteurize, or add moisture to the honey. We do not filter the honey as this will remove a lot of the nutritional characteristics of honey. We simply run our raw honey through a set of screens to retain all the vitamins, minerals, and pollens that make honey healthy.
Competition has caused many brands on the shelf to cheapen their products. At Cox’s Honey, we are dedicated to maintain the consistency of our pure raw honey that many customers have enjoyed for over 70+ years. Let Us BEE Your Honey!